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Over the last 25 years, it has been a privilege to be your awards program partner and we valued your loyalty.
It is with great regret to announce this will be the last year OMNI Solutions Group will be offering the OMNIContests program.
Thank you for your support over the years.


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Benefits of Having an Online Contest Winners Gallery

Additional Opportunities – unlock more opportunities with sponsorship, advertising and subscriptions. A winners gallery can be an added value to the association membership and provide industry information, inspiration, ideas and cross-marketing opportunities. The gallery can be another opportunity to generate buzz and connect with prospective members, entrants and industry contacts.

Contest History – by maintaining a historical knowledge base of your awards program, you can showcase winners for multiple years. As the gallery grows each year, you can compare and track competition and industry trends.

A Win-Win Situation – the gallery can be an added benefit to you and to the entrant for entering the competition. The online gallery drives traffic to the site and further promotes the entrant company’s products and services. You are marketing your entrants’ products on your site – all entrants, not just winners, can benefit!

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When it comes to running an awards or grant program online, no other solution is as easy, fast or robust as omniCONTESTS.

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